Aid project in Hungary
Christmas presents and aid supplies have been distributed to orphanages and institutions in Central and Northern Hungary.
There was much joy and celebration when Helping Hands delivery of Christmas gifts, clothing, shoes, sports equipment and other supplies arrived at the childrens homes.
The Christmas presents contained puzzles, handcrafts, games, dolls and stuffed animals and many other fun toys. Everything was greatly appreciated at the childrens home for disabled children in central Hungary that received many of the presents.
Christmas gifts together with clothing and other necessities were also donated to aid centers for the needy in the region. The aid was much appreciated since many do not have the resources needed for Christmas presents or new shoes and clothes but only have the means for the most necessary supplies.
The following pictures portray the joy filled event as the supplies were received at the aid centers. The gifts were donated by generous businesses and individuals in Sweden.
A big and heartfelt thank you to everyone who assisted and thereby made this joyful relief effort possible.
Aid project in The Czech Republic
Helping Hands aid deliveries have been distributed to aid centers and orphanages in the Czech
Aid project in The Czech Republic
It was with great joy that new baby and childrens clothes, shoes and toys were
Aid project in The Czech Republic
Strollers and baby clothes were donated to an orphanage in the Czech Republic. The new
Aid project in Hungary
A fun-packed activity program containing various entertaining adventures was organized for disadvantaged children and youth