About Us

Helping Hands is an independent voluntary aid organization that was founded 1995 in Stockholm, Sweden, by a small group of people, with a wish to be of help and assistance to those in need of aid and support in primarily Eastern Europe and the Baltics. Later on, additional destinations were added to our aid programs.

Our aid activities consists of immediate aid support for socially disadvantaged people in aid centers and orphanages who are in need of urgent aid relief and are not able to wait for long-term help. This is done by collecting and handing over supplies mainly of shoes and clothes.

We started
by sending hospital equipment that we received from the closing of Boo Hospital in Nacka, Stockholm to a hospital in Latvia. The situation was severe as they were in great need of equipment and had they not received our aid they would have had greater difficulty in continuing their work. Since then we have been able to help in many different places and we are grateful to have been able to complete every commitment.

The following are the countries Helping Hands have sent aid to on some or more occasions through the years: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lebanon, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Thailand.

On the Helping Hands website under Global Projects you will find a range of relief efforts that Helping Hands has already conducted and aid shipments and projects which are still ongoing.


Helping Hands also organized annual Christmas dinners in Stockholm between the years 2001-2016, where people in need have been able to partake of the joy and fellowship of Christmas. From 2017 onward, we donate Christmas food boxes for the needy in Stockholm, which have brought much joy and fed many.

Helping Hands is very thankful for the generous people and companies that donate clothes and other necessities to our aid shipments. Their support has enabled us to aid many in need.