1995 - 2025

Helping Hands

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Welcome to Helping Hands

Helping Hands was founded in Sweden with an aim to provide help and assistance to the people that are in need of aid in primarily Eastern Europe. Later on, additional destinations were added to our aid programs.

We closely collaborate with a number of relief organisations and successfully reach out to those in need through a network of dedicated volunteers and aid workers.

About Us

30 years

with Helping Hands

Follow our journey:

Under Global Projects, you will find a selection of aid efforts that Helping Hands has conducted at various orphanages and at Help Centers for socially disadvantaged and poor people.

Together we make a difference!

In aid shipments 09-25 you will see what dates our aid shipments were sent and to which countries the shipments were transported.

Latest News

Aid project in The Czech Republic

Distribution of Helping Hands aid shipment reaches people in need in the Czech Republic. Helping Hands aid shipments containing new clothes, shoes and other supplies arrived at an orphanage located in the western part of the Bohemia region in the Czech Republic. The following pictures portray the joy filled event

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Randomly selected projects

Support Us

By ordering our popular balloon artists for your events to the delight of both young and old, which will help us to perform necessary relief efforts.

Company events

Your Company can now order our popular balloon artists to get a memorable experience that brings joy and entertainment to everyone.

Balloon expos

Complete balloon exhibitions where customers have been able to experience a fabulous balloon world.

Park Events

Fun balloon figure entertainment at Children’s Day events and in City and adventure parks.