Aid projects in Sweden

Christmas food bags were distributed to people in need in Stockholm during December 2021.

Helping Hands has had the great privilege to once again distribute Christmas food bags to people in need in Stockholm during the month of December. Our distribution routine was similar to last year’s food distribution. Only one or a couple of people at a time picked up their grocery bags at a pre-ordered time in order to avoid crowding. It is gratifying to have the opportunity to continue helping people in these times of ever increasing need for help.

The food bags contained traditional Swedish Christmas cuisine, including several kinds of salmon and herring along with chicken, Christmas ham, beef, pork tenderloin and several other delicious meat dishes. The bags also contained various salads, saffron buns, eggs, bread, nuts, sugar, snacks and many other goodies. Coffee packages and several soft drinks were also included.

A heartfelt thanks to all of you who assisted and thereby made this joyful relief effort possible!