Helping Hands aid shipment has been distributed to an orphanage in Latvia. There was much joy when the aid shipment arrived at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. The shipment was filled…
Aid shipment has been distributed to an orphanage in Latvia. There was much joy when Helping Hands aid shipment filled with clothes, shoes, sports equipment, colorful watches and toys arrived…
It was with heartfelt cheer that Helping Hands shipment of aid supplies arrived at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. The children immediately began to select and play with their new toys…
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer! There was much anticipation and joy when helping Hands Christmas aid shipment filled with fun Christmas presents, sports equipment, shoes. Clothes and toys arrived…
Helping Hands aid shipment was received with joy and appreciation at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. The aid shipment was filled with clothes, seasonal jackets, shoes, strollers, computer screens, household items,…
Summer is here and another aid shipment has reached its destination in Latvia. Helping hands aid shipment was distributed in Elejas orphanage and besides regular shoes, clothes and toys, it…
Helping Hands aid shipment reaches Elejas orphanage in Latvia. A long awaited aid shipment from helping Hands filled with fun toys, clothes, shoes, skis, a computer desk and sport items…
Aid distribution at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. Another aid shipment filled with clothes, shoes and toys has arrived at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. At the distribution event the older children…
Christmas has arrived at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. Joyful cheers filled the orphanage as soon as Helping Hands Christmas aid shipment arrived, with all of its fun toys, Christmas presents,…
Helping Hands aid shipment has reached Elejas orphanage in Latvia. It was filled with fun toys, skates and other sports equipment, computer monitors, furniture, shoes and clothes donated by generous…