Aid project in Latvia
It was with heartfelt cheer that Helping Hands shipment of aid supplies arrived at Elejas orphanage in Latvia.
The children immediately began to select and play with their new toys that were donated by generous businesses and individuals in Sweden. In addition to the toys, the aid shipment was filled with jackets, clothes, shoes and sports equipment, which are all needed at the orphanage.


Aid project in Hungary
Comprehensive and fun summer activities were organized for disadvantaged children and youth in Hungary. Helping

Aid project in The Czech Republic
Helping Hands aid deliveries have been distributed to children’s homes located in the Bohemia region

Aid project in The Czech Republic
Distribution of Helping Hands aid shipment reaches people in need in the Czech Republic. Helping

Aid project in The Czech Republic
Helping Hands aid shipments have been distributed to 3 different Children’s Homes located both in