Aid project in Hungary
Helping Hands aid transport has been distributed to an orphanage and to an aid centre for socially disadvantaged and poor families with children in Hungary.
There was much joy when the aid shipment containing shoes and clothes of various sizes and other supplies were distributed at a home for disabled children and to an aid centre for socially disadvantaged and poor families with children in Hungary.
The following pictures portray the joy filled event as the supplies were received at the centres and how happy the participants were as they received their new clothes and other necessities. The aid was much appreciated as many have only the resources needed for the most necessary supplies. The mothers at the centre, many of them single mothers were especially thankful for all the children’s clothes they received.
A heartfelt thank you to all who helped make this relief effort possible!


Aid project in Hungary
A fun-packed activity program containing various excursions were organized for disadvantaged children and youth in

Aid project in Colombia
Helping Hands aid shipment reached conflict areas in Colombia. Helping Hands was able to distribute

Aid project in Latvia
Aid distribution at Elejas orphanage in Latvia. Another aid shipment filled with clothes, shoes and

Aid project in Hungary
Helping Hands aid shipment has been distributed to orphanages in Central and North Eastern Hungary.