Aid project in Hungary
Helping Hands aid deliveries have been distributed to and aid centre and to orphanages in central and northern Hungary. Warm clothes, jackets and sweaters were also donated to Ukrainian refugees near the border.
There was much joy when Helping Hands aid shipment containing warm clothes, jackets, shoes, children’s clothes and other supplies arrived at the different children’s homes and at an aid centre for socially disadvantaged and poor families with children. The aid also reached Ukrainian refugees at the border.
The slideshow portrays a small selection of pictures as the supplies were donated to the different recipients and how joyful everyone was when receiving them.
Thank you all who assisted and thus made this relief effort possible.


Aid project in The Czech Republic
Helping Hands aid shipments have been distributed to 3 different Children’s Homes located both in

Aid project in Hungary
Distribution of Helping Hands aid supplies to orphanages in South Western Hungary. Helping Hands aid

Aid project in Latvia
Summer is here and another aid shipment has reached its destination in Latvia. Helping hands

Aid project in Hungary
Helping Hands aid shipment reached a refugee camp in central Hungary. Helping Hands aid shipment